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Hello from SO TX.. I would like to know if anyone out there has SOLAR PANELS on their home?I have a 850 sq ft. house. I called Austin to a company that offers panels and installation. The cost $8,000.00, for 0 panels . The rep said we would save about 2 to 25% on our electric bill /mo. We use approximately 980 kw/mo. Our bill is around $40.00 / mo...I really don't think that's a good enough savings. We figure it would take 25 years to recoup our investment.And where we live in TX it does not offer any incentives. The gov. allows you a $2000.00 tx break.
$8,000 invested at 5% interest would pay you $900 per year for the rest of your life. If you spend $40 per month and would save 25% of that, you would save $420 per year. To be fair, the savings would creep up with the electric rates but this would be off-set by maintenance cost and equipment attrition.
I am looking to get some solar panels for my home to just power a few lights, a fan or two. I have a generator but I want that only to power the fridge and maybe some other small stuff for convenience.But mainly want the solar panels for the lights and fans. Any one have an idea of how about I go to figuring this all out? Should I call a contractor or anything?
depends on what light bulbs you have in watts.depends on how many you want on. for the power equation you take P which equals watts x I which equals amps and E which equals volts and you multiply the amps and the volts together to get the watts which the solar panel is generating. for example if you had 7 60 watt light bulbs you would need 420 watts generated. which if you got 50 watt panels each you would need 9 panels. and for what your talking about if you want the stuff to work when the power goes out you are going to need an inverter. not to be confused with a grid ti inverter. and a few batteries i recommend deep cycle batteries that are meant for solar panels. depends on what fan you have.
Why does the new 200 Toyota Prius have solar panels at the top of the vehicle?
Solar Roof Prius
Solar panels (or photovoltaic panels) collect either light energy (photons) or heat which is then used as energy. Because a single panel can only produce a limited amount of power, there are normally more than one installed.
I been considering to get a solar panel system but I don't know if I'm going cut my electric bill every month , It's a lot of money to spend and I'm not really sure
I'm waiting for the gov't to do right thing and subsidize my purchase!
I have a rental property and use a 230-Volt 6-Amp Pool Pump.I would like to use a solar panel to run it when the house is empty, using mains power when guests are here.The building is in the Caribbean so plenty of sun!!I wanted to run it quot;directand not use batteries. Is this possible??What size panel would I need? A DC invertor too??Thanks!!
You can buy a solar pool pump with all the equipment you'll need.
I'm writing a lab and I have to put information about solar panels in it. The history, who started them, why they are useful etc. any good sites that can help me?
I had solar panels installed in the beginning of the fall and I'm a big fan of them! I therefore know some info but I'm not sure if it would really be enough for you. Heres what I know: you save lots of money because you get federal tax credits and state rebates, and you help keep the environment green. The place that installed my solar panels has a lot of info that may be applicable to you, on their website or you can call them @ 866-276-7222 - they have great costumer service!
Currently being sold today! I know SunPower corp. commercial panels are about 20%.
About 20-22 percent is about right for panels affordable by most consumers. Even then, you still only get enough power to light a couple of lights for $400-$500, and only works when the sun is shining.