Aluminum Diamond Plate Cooler

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I constructed a small hho generator for experimental purposes. I needed to add a cooling condenser to the unit because of a overheating problem. I was using a old heater core from a vehicle, soldered some joints to make some connections. the solution seemed to have eaten the solder I used, which was normal lead free solder used in water pipes. I was going to invest into a trans cooler core which is made of aluminum, but I need to know if the solution will eat up the aluminum. I also thought about using a condenser core from a broken window a/c, which is made of copper tubing. any advise would be very help full
Aluminum, yes; copper, no. Aluminum is attacked by both acids and bases (it is what is called amphoteric); copper is attacked by neither -- although nitric acid will attack copper by oxidizing it. Solder joints may be attacked by acid, but may be more or less immune to attack by strong bases, depending on what is in the solder.
Indeed, the utilization of aluminum sheets in the manufacturing of food packaging is feasible. Owing to its diverse characteristics, aluminum has become a favored option for food packaging. Its lightweight nature, resistance to corrosion, and exceptional heat conductivity are among the reasons for this preference. These attributes render it suitable for safeguarding the freshness and quality of food items. Moreover, aluminum possesses impermeability to light, moisture, and oxygen, thereby aiding in the extension of the shelf life of food products. Furthermore, the malleability of aluminum sheets enables them to be effortlessly molded into various shapes and sizes, thus facilitating tailored packaging solutions. In essence, the food packaging industry frequently relies on aluminum sheets due to their adaptability, durability, and their ability to ensure the safety and integrity of food items.
No, 101 aluminum sheets do not require any special maintenance or care. They are known for their durability and resistance to corrosion, making them relatively low-maintenance materials.
Aluminum and oxygen gas react to produce aluminum oxide
Aluminium oxide is Al2O3, so there are 3 oxygen atoms for every 2 aluminium atoms. Divide 75 by the relative atomic mass of oxygen (15.9994). That is proportional to the number of oxygen atoms. Then divide by 3 and multiply by 2. This gives a number proportional to the number of aluminium atoms. Then multiply this by the relative atomic mass of aluminium (26.981529) to give the mass of aluminium required in grams.
I am doing a project on Aluminum it has 13 protons just to make sure everyones on the same page. How much of it is left or exsits? Also how does it behave?
As Vincent noted, aluminium is an abundant element in the earth's crust. It occurs in all clay minerals. Its main ore, bauxite(a mixture of aluminium hydroxides) is still available in vast deposits; particularly in Australia and South America. Aluminium is a reactive element, and so is not found in nature in the elemental form. Aluminium is a metal, and an amphoteric substance; that is; it reacts with both acids and bases.
Aluminium can conductive because it has low resistivity which is due to the three delocalized electron present in Aluminium structure. Aluminium cannot be magnetized because it does not exhibit ferro magnetism ( which is the ability of magnet to attract a metal).
The common thicknesses of aluminum sheets used in construction vary depending on the specific application and requirements. However, some commonly used thicknesses include 0.032 inches (0.81mm), 0.040 inches (1.02mm), 0.050 inches (1.27mm), and 0.063 inches (1.60mm). These thicknesses are often used for architectural applications such as wall panels, roofing, and siding. Thicker aluminum sheets, such as 0.080 inches (2.03mm) and 0.125 inches (3.18mm), are also used in heavier construction applications such as structural components, support beams, and decking. It is important to note that these thicknesses are just examples and can vary depending on the specific project requirements and engineering specifications.
The typical formability of aluminum sheets is high, as aluminum has excellent ductility and can be easily shaped into various forms without cracking or breaking.