Are Solar Cells Renewable

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i want to instal solar ligth in my garden
There are MANY garden lights with built in batteries and solar panels that you just need to stick in the ground. There are also self contained units that are wall mountable. THAT way there is no need to run wiring, use battery stacks, etc. and will also probably be less expensive overall.
I would like to know of any construction companies, road crews, or any company that uses solar panels in the Tampa area and throws them away. I like to recycle solar panels by repairing and processing what power I can from them. Know any companies that throw out used solar panels? If so, can you provide the name and number?
Test the battery. Connect the positive and negative terminals of the battery to the positive and negative probes of the voltmeter. If a voltage is read, the battery is still good. Remember, however, that this is a rechargeable battery, so if it is dead, it can be recharged.
Solar panels can have a positive impact on a property's green certification as they contribute to increased energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and decreasing carbon emissions, solar panels can help the property meet the criteria for green certification by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
i have a 2v 2a solar panel that i want to use to charge a 2v battery .Have found out that i need a charge controller so i don't over charge the battery.I have found a cheep one its 2v but 7a will it still work ?All-so im planing on running a 2v water pump off the battery with a timer,its for watering my garden.Will the timer have to be 2v as well ?any help on this would be greatly appreciated thanks .
The charger will accept whatever current is necessary from the solar panel up to 7A. It's not like the solar panel will force 2amps into the charger/battery -- the charger will control the current going to the battery. I question whether or not the 2V panel will actually charge the battery, though, because in order to charge a standard lead-acid 2V battery you need to have about 4.5 volts applied to the terminals. Perhaps the charger has a boost circuit -- I don't know without looking at it or knowing the brand/model number, etc. The timer must be 2VDC, but, if you only have a timer that is rated for 20VAC, you can buy a small inverter that will take 2V and supply the necessary 20VAC. An inverter rated for 20 to 50 Watts should be sufficient. These usually cost under US$25. .
My house uses 500 kw a month, air conditioning is the main consumer, is it possible to install solar panels in my roof to produce this amount, and aproximate cost, thanks .
I assume you mean 500 KWH (Kilowatt Hours) A good panel may produce about 00Watts. It will cover about 2SQ FT. Lets say you have a ranch style house that is 2000 SQ FT. That means if you covered your entire roof with panels, you could get about 65 panels on the roof(Not really, because you need room to get around them. Lets say practically you could get 00 panels on the roof. You could produce 00X00, or 0,000 Watts/hour (0 KW/HR)when the sun is at peak. Each hour you would produce 0 KW HR's. Lets say your area is perfect and the sun shines bright 0 hours a day, so You could potentially produce 00 KW HRS. There are losses envolved in the wiring, Battery Charger, Storage Batteries, and rectifier-controller. Maybe more realistically you could get 70 KW HRS per day. Maybe you could get 500 KWH in about 2 days. Each panel will cost about $500-$700. Panels alone will be over $50,000. The entire system installed about $00,000. This should cover your electric at least during sunny times. If you live outside of Arizona, lots of luck. Still much cheaper to ude the grid.
Hi there. I live in Colorado, and we obviously get a ton of snow there. I im looking into a solar power system for my home, and I am wondering if the snow will accumulate on the panels, or if, because of the energy passing through, it will melt on contact? By the way we get about 20' of snow each year, and it comes on often. I will also be putting them on my roof. Thanks for your help.
In heavy snow areas, snow can build up on panels. If you mount on your roof as most people do, the angle of the panels will help the snow to slide off. Some people encourage the snow to slough off with a very long-handled squeegee or stick. You will see a drastic power reduction when the panels are covered with snow, even if it's just a few of them. However, the panels are made to take snow load, they won't be damaged. Generally, they are also designed to resist hail up to a certain size, if that's an issue where you live. I'd suggest looking in the phone book or on the internet for a local solar installer, and asking them for references close to you. You can then contact the people there and ask how it's working out for them. Also try searching for an answer on the link below. It's a solar discussion forum with very knowledgeable people.
Yes, solar panels can definitely be used in commercial buildings. In fact, many businesses are increasingly installing solar panels on their rooftops or in open spaces adjacent to their premises. Solar panels are a sustainable and cost-effective solution for generating renewable energy, reducing electricity bills, and lowering carbon footprints in commercial settings.
I want to plug my solar system battery bank into my transfer switch on my cabin when not using a generator. The transfer switch will handle 220 volt from my generator. How do I get a 220 volt inverter that runs 60 hz or do all of them run 50 hz.I see plenty of 20 volt 60 hz. I'm at the point of needing to order one and I'm not sure.
definite, the inverter ought to pull potential from both the battery and photo voltaic array, yet so what? that would favor to not be a project. both the potential from the photo voltaic array receives kept contained in the battery, or it is going on to the inverter, what vast difference does it make? in reality that's more beneficial effective to pass on to the inverter, as battery value/discharge cycles waste quite some potential. yet you desire a fee controller between the panel and the battery and which will regulate the present into the battery to maintain away from overcharging, and also regulate the voltage and contemporary to right value the battery. without it, the output from the array will be too intense for the battery, or too low. .