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Decorative gypsum board partition with what the best sound insulation cotton? Mineral rock wool and glass wool.
Sound insulation effect is good, the construction is simple glass wool, the price thing is the latter, but no test report, you use, no quality assurance.
Do you make tiles with gypsum board?
Foundation to add woodworking board, or strength is not enough. No, it is directly with woodworking board. No gypsum board.
Light steel keel gypsum board wall how to fight line?
This is just to find the vertical line on the line, first from the side of the wall, in the amount of a size, point a point, and then let the line down this point down to the ground, the other person to see the following line , In the ground point of a point, and then on the other side of the amount of a size you want, according to the above method on the ground and then point a point, and then on the top of the two points on the top line, the following two points bomb The ground line, and then the above points and the bottom points on the wall. If it is to the top of the partition, do not consider the level, only consider the vertical on the line,
Gypsum board wall how to paste the footboard
Gypsum board wall flatness is very good, with 995 structure glue paste the base line is extremely fast, solid - in the backrest playing a few times on the back of the structure of plastic, attached to the required location on the line.
Causes of Cracking of Gypsum Board Ceiling Joint and Its Treatment
The original gypsum board water, and then evaporate, the natural will shrink; so when the brush finish two or three days is not obvious, but two weeks later a problem.
Bathroom with gypsum board ceiling
The bathroom environment is relatively large humidity, gypsum board moisture resistance is very poor, so the ceiling is easy to deformation, and gypsum board surface treatment are mostly latex paint, and latex paint is not suitable for wet environment, a long time there will be Peeling or moldy phenomenon
Gypsum board shape ceiling how to deal with yellowing
The newly renovated house gypsum board yellowed, generally due to the rush gypsum board surface is not completely dry, so that the surface of the latex paint and water reaction showed pale yellow, as long as the gypsum board dry, re-brush the latex paint, yellow no It
What are the harmful substances in the gypsum board?
Oh, gypsum board wall, also known as light steel keel partition, is light steel keel and gypsum board composition.