Heat Sealable Aluminum Foil

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We have recently moved into a house in Australia with a tin roof. There is a layer of 5cm batts on the rafters in the roof space, but the temp is 10-15 degrees C higher up there than in the house (with all the windows and doors open). I don't want to get air-conditioning, is there another way to insulate the roof and cool the house?
The attic will always be warmer than the house--that's the point of the insulation--to separate the heat in the attic from the cooler air in the house. However, to improve it even more, add insulation on the ceiling joists (not the roof rafters). Make sure there is plentiful ventilation in your attic (when the wind blows, you should feel it blowing inside your attic). Eave vents, ridge vents--it doesn't really matter which ones you use--but you have to have enough for the air to really flow.
Tax Question: Itemized receipt for roofing and insulation?
I choose the best answer based on the fact that he was correct. Our installation of the roof tiles was not a tax deductible item, but the extra insulation they installed was tax deductible, giving us an over extra $350 in return. We were just going to forget it, but it was actually worth it!
... building code max. (R-50)???
Anytime snow melts from a roof due to lost heat from the interior, or sun shining on the roof, but air is below freezing, icecycles will form. The real danger here is ice cycles that can fall when thawing and kill in extreme cases, AND ice dams can form forcing ice back up under shingles damaging roof. That is why it is often a good idea to install heat tape under the edge of roofs in areas that are prone to heavy freezes and snow.
Our roof tile is installed on top of galvanized iron sheets. We do not have any toher form of insulation. The roof tile or tegula is quite thick.
Oh yeah. You need insulation. Think of it this way. If you turned a stove top burner on medium-low and placed one of those roof tiles on it, it would be too hot to pick up. If you put down a small piece of insulation first, you'd be able to pick up the tile with no problem.
we want to put a model railway up in the loft,and i like the idea of having white plastic cladding throughout up there,my hubby is insulating the roof tomorrow,but he prefers plasterboard,at least the cladding will be maintenance free,
i think it might be able to pass code if you ever sell the house.i myself would use sheets of white wainscoting.also make sure the insulation if it has a paper backing ,paper faces the room.
How do I find roofers who are specialised in protection against invaders from outer space. I called 10 and they said they would call me back, but no one did so far. It must be really complicated.
This is a complete myth. I am quite frankly surprised that anyone still believes all this nonesense about aliens. I think you have watched too much t.v. You shouldn't believe every storie you hear from every drunken hill-billy that claims to know about aliens. The truth is that there is nothing at all you can do to stop the aliens from observing you. Even if you wear an aluminum hat they will still be able to observe you whenever they want. The government knows this and put about the foil story to give people hope that something could be done. We are being sold out by the elite members of the world order who really run the world. They are selling us to aliens to run tests on and experiment on in exchange for vastky enhanced life expectancy of our human rulers. It has been going on for years. Some of the people who hold the real power of the world are over 2000 years old and have been working together with the aliens to shape our development, both physiologicaly and socialy. They know that no one will ever believe the truth so they can do what they like. All the major events of the world in the last 2000 years (possibly much longer) have been shaped by aliens working with an elite group to conduct massive experiments with millions of people over long time periods. Hope this helped. I don't think I'm in danger telling you all this because to them I am insignificant although they will undoubtably be aware of what I have said to you as soon as I press "send". I have to go as there is a suspicious looking man watching me from a car across the way. Good luck.
i have about 200 sq ft of odd shaped polystyrene foam (rigid) insulation between 3" and 5" thick. it's leftover from installing a flat roof on a commercial building. creative ideas anyone? grind it and use it as attic insulation in a home?thanks.
Hey, Why not just sell the leftovers and make some dough instead? You can list them on craigslist or OKorder. Just a suggestion :) Regards, J
we replacing our torched down rubber roof and my contractor said we need to install a 1 inch rigid insulation..is the insulation needed?
on the outside, under the rubber? That's crazy. Don't go for it.