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Several forming methods of plastic film and their advantages and disadvantages are summarized
I can only talk about it in general, because it involves plastic film forming, there are too many things, and there are so many kinds of plastic film.
What color glass, plastic film or supplementary light source should be chosen for growing vegetables in greenhouse?
Hello friends, plastic greenhouse planting eggplant fruit vegetables suitable plastic film is EVA film, PO membrane two kinds, PO membrane price is too high, and use the most common or EVA film.EVA film transmittance, high temperature, fast, good insulation, the price is suitable for every square in a piece of five to two blocks between.Others, such as poly vinyl non dripping film, this is to filter UV, affecting the coloring of vegetables. Grouting film is cheap, the disadvantage is that the temperature is too fast, low transmittance, no drop is too short.
What are the factors that affect the barrier property of plastic film?
The temperature has an influence on the molecular structure of the plastic film. The increase of temperature will reduce the crystallinity and orientation of the resin, widen the molecular spacing and decrease the density, which will reduce the barrier property of the plastic film.General plastic film transmittance of all other exponentially with the change of temperature change, in contrast, gas barrier PVDC was little affected by temperature, non plastic foil material affected by temperature is smaller, the general choice of these two kinds of films do more suitable high-temperature cooking bags. In contrast, the barrier properties of ultra high barrier silicon dioxide coated plastic films are less affected by temperature.In practical application, EVOH, PVDC copolymer, PAN copolymer, PA, PEN, PET and other materials are often used as barrier materials, including EVOH, PVDC, PAN copolymer and aromatic nylon MXD6 high barrier materials, and PA, PET as the medium barrier material. EVOH, PVDC, PEN, PAN, although the barrier is very good, but or processing is not good, or high prices, or performance is not comprehensive, generally not used alone, often used in blending, composite and coating modified.
How often will the plastic film in the greenhouse be replaced?
There is no fixed deadline, mainly to see the integrity and transparency of the greenhouse films, if maintain proper, by cleaning and repairing can meet the use requirements, can be reused for years, saving the cost; if improper maintenance, natural or man-made damage is serious, a year could be replaced several times.
Such equipment is used for cutting paper?
Finally, with a sharp knife along the fiber plate width on one side of the film will extend into the open, sealing is formed of plastic bags. We used to make plastic bags like this.The fiberboard is about 3-4 millimeters thick and can be replaced with other sheets.
The plastic film on the mattress doesn't tear off. Is it good for the body to sleep?
The plastic film on the mattress doesn't tear off and the sleeping doesn't affect the body, because it also cushions the bed and makes the bed list.
What is film capacitor?
According to the kind of plastic film is divided into: poly ether capacitor (also known as Mylar capacitor), polypropylene capacitor (also known as PP capacitor), polystyrene capacitor (also known as PS capacitor) and poly carbonate capacitor. The structure of capacitor and the same medium, polyester or polystyrene etc.. Polyester film capacitor has high dielectric constant, small volume, large capacity and good stability. It is suitable to be used as bypass capacitor. Polystyrene film capacitors, dielectric loss, high insulation resistance, but the temperature coefficient is large, can be used in high frequency circuits.
What's the performance of PE plastic film?
Heat sealing property. LLDPE film has good heat sealing property. As long as the minimum sealing temperature is reached, it has good heat sealing strength, and has strong sealing and anti pollution ability.