Mth Standard Gauge Tinplate

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Decorative gypsum board partition with what the best sound insulation cotton? Mineral rock wool and glass wool.
Rock wool and glass wool on the overall performance of almost, are brittle fiber composition, need to get a better sound volume, the need for higher density materials, usually 80KG per cubic meter of use more. The price range is 40-60 yuan per square meter. This material can cause skin irritation, dust can cause respiratory irritation. So the construction should pay attention to the construction workers physical protection, the material must be completely closed to the wall inside. If it is a hole in the ceiling must not use glass wool. Construction methods are the same, directly on the keel space, outside the sealing plate.
Gypsum board can not tile?
Can be, can, talk about the operation process, the base can be used light steel keel or wood file, is the wall of the material, the material to use kraft paper or newspaper, glass glue, first in kraft paper shampoo, rinse good post Gypsum board, gypsum board on the kraft paper dried, and then hit the glass on the brick can be tiling, very labor, do not worry will fall! Our company's model is to do all this, is to do tile bathroom!
Do you make tiles with gypsum board?
Foundation to add woodworking board, or strength is not enough. No, it is directly with woodworking board. No gypsum board.
Stairs on top of the gypsum board ceiling how to install 20KG heavy crystal lamp?
Remove the gypsum board, in the concrete floor to play the expansion screw (according to the requirements of the lighting manufacturers design), no other what way. This is before the ceiling should be buried live live, should not be the error, and now can not be missed on the wrong
Light steel keel gypsum board wall how to fight line?
This is just to find the vertical line on the line, first from the side of the wall, in the amount of a size, point a point, and then let the line down this point down to the ground, the other person to see the following line , In the ground point of a point, and then on the other side of the amount of a size you want, according to the above method on the ground and then point a point, and then on the top of the two points on the top line, the following two points bomb The ground line, and then the above points and the bottom points on the wall. If it is to the top of the partition, do not consider the level, only consider the vertical on the line,
Gypsum board ceiling what tools
Hammer, electric drill, cutting machine, wallpaper knife, vise, wrench can be.
How to distinguish between true and false
South fake less. Paper gypsum board on each have a security label, the other general fake watermark * dragon * pattern is not done, there is the production date. Fake to do is also relatively simple. Just a slash. The paper can also be resolved. Dragon card plain paper color soil, not the color of kraft paper so deep. Nor is it white.
The back of the cabinet to do the wall, do not have to use a layer of gypsum board, and then brush latex paint it?
This is possible, but only in the gypsum board, the edge of the gap, sticking on the seam cloth, so you can prevent cracks.