Off Grid Solar Power Inverter

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How to do a good job of solar water heater marketing?
First, environmental protection: vacuum tube solar water heater purchase tips. According to the calculation, each household solar water heater during its 15 years of use, will reduce the coal to atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions of 26 tons, 136 tons of carbon monoxide, dust 1120 tons, 352 tons of sulfur dioxide, 908 tons of nitrogen and hydrogen compounds, this is not a small number of residents in our Province, in the subtropical zone. Suffering from the hot days of suffering, such as the province's residents are using solar water heaters can reduce the average temperature of 1 degrees, so the use of solar energy, make the sky bluer, mountains greener, the water clearer, gas cooler, is an effective measure of green environmental protection.
How much does it cost to install solar energy in rural areas
Four look at the brand, service. The solar water heater host outdoors year-round by professionals need to withstand exposed to wind and rain, maintenance, maintenance. At present, there are 4000 domestic solar water heater factory, as the country has not yet unified solar water heater testing standards, some of the quality of the product does not pass, installation services are not in place, to bring trouble to users. Buy solar energy is not only a product, but more importantly, service". Therefore, we should choose the strength of the brand name of professional manufacturers of products, such manufacturers to install service personnel are generally through professional and technical training, service and thoughtful, so that you do not worry, get the best protection.
Buy solar water heater mainly look at what?
Second, liner thickness. The quality of the liner determines the life of the water heater, if the water tank, the water heater will be scrapped. Major brand manufacturers use thickness of not less than 0.5mm of SUS304 food grade stainless steel liner. Argon arc welding is adopted to ensure the service life can reach more than 15 years. Other brands of water heaters in the liner between 0.2mm-0.4mm, the use of a period of time there will be water leakage problem. Therefore, consumers in the purchase of products must ask the thickness of the liner. At the same time, but also beware of patch water tank, the water tank liner is made up of a number of scrap steel belt, the entire inner bladder welding as many as dozens of times
Solar products must be in the sun
Energy (Solar), generally refers to the sun's radiant energy, passive use (photothermal conversion)
How to promote the use of solar energy in China
In this regard, the government should do a lot of work, industry associations have also made the relevant advance
Solar electric vehicle charging device
Electric vehicle using solar silicon and polysilicon combination surface for Ling lighting plate, high quality and high efficiency crystalline silicon plate, the weak light response is very good, high photoelectric conversion efficiency, both indoor and outdoor sunlight, can be 24 hours of uninterrupted charging for electric vehicles to absorb light, can meet the different electric vehicles with electric load.
Solar energy items in daily life
The solar water heater, solar flashlight, solar micro kitchen, decoration, solar car
How to open solar stores
The store is fixed, the operator store is active, to store as a sales point, to regional radiation operations, will revitalize the store". Travel to a new solar 5S shop transaction according to the author, the store address provided by the dealer, the way to find the past, turned half an hour did not find a living map, taxi drivers are also puzzled, and finally had to ask the clerk to shop the way to reach the destination. The new store is completely in line with the provisions of the company, but what you want to find the store, even the best, are castles in the air for consumers, the effect not large, dealers pay no return. The development of the store, the author thinks that in order to repair the expansion, double attack. Let people pay attention to the store to enliven sales, real effort outside the shop. Although the products set up shop, but out of the store to sell, will make the distribution as boundless as the sea and sky. Target customers want to buy your product, how to let them find your shop? How to let more people know that you are selling some kind of solar energy products? Make use of all available opportunities, resources, and ways to hit your local brand! Let you fill the local market.