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Is the ordinary students so the price of less than 4000 bars to help If you can hope to introduce models Thank you Thank you! The The More
Personally think that HP's good because my colleagues mostly use HP's
Please outline TRIZ's core ideas and problem-solving model. (Garden professional continuing education)
Some people in order to add moisture to the flowers, with a small kettle in the above water, seemingly professional, but made a big mistake. You think about it, if the water spray on the flowers, pollen and mud are not on the Well, in fact, the method of pollination is also very simple, flowering, with a dry brush in the above turn two laps. In fact, the staff here is to use this method to pollinate the flowers, in addition, when the strawberries flowering, these skins should be small enough flowers in time to pinch off, so as not to compete for nutrients, a crop of fruit left ten It becomes. Raise strawberries to use large flower pots .... each interval 20 cm ..... because strawberry stems like Chlorophytus ..... take on the ground will take root
I would like to regardless of the plane, facade, what, are in the form of hand-painted performance. I do not know if my method works? I see CAD3D I bother more
To be painted in the design industry to eat, it must be on the super program design capabilities, responsible for the design, only hand-painted it is not work, hand-painted only the form of expression, the core lies in your design, 3d can not, but cad Must be
Easy to garden software tutorial, when the statistics were, how a key to all the area lines are ring out
In the Locke Kingdom in the distribution of a wide range of puzzle content. By fulfilling these challenges, you can enrich your child's knowledge. The gardener uses the tools in his hand to add lush flowers to the world, where there is soil, and the gardener's footsteps
I would like to ask where the winter frogs are gone?
West Lake a spoonful of water, read the ancient people. Qing Hongsheng "has Mao spring lake" a spoonful of water: to describe the small West Lake, which is compared with nature. Read the ancient people come: refers to the human joy and joy.
Garden design, and later into the company's words, is the importance of hand-painted or important software? I would like to ask how to improve the efficiency of hand-painted, to point of experience (high score)!
Hello, this may be a long "powder mediated" or "aphids", you can buy two dollars a spray bottle (that is, the kind of spray of water droplets, hairdressing when the barber to the head of the kind of water) Selling pesticides or selling flowers to buy a small package to kill aphids medicine, wiping spray on it, if not, then get a brush or brush, salt water or soapy water, brush directly down on it, and more brush twice No, no
Is it possible to cut into a pot and insert it directly into the basin
To be prepared in advance, those who want to stay high branches, to cut the level of scattered. The bottom of the branches to sparse part. Too close to the small branches to cut off.
Give you two spoons. One just hit 5 cups of water, just hit 3 cups of half water can only play twice, how to make the spoon inside the water just 3 cups
In order to look beautiful, there is to reduce the evaporation of water