R Shield Protective Film

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What are the materials used in the production of aluminium protective films? What's the harm to life?
Application: mainly used for all kinds of plastic and wooden plate (sheet) surface protection, such as: PVC, PET, PC, PMMA, double color plate, UV board, foam board and glass plate surface in the transportation, storage and processing, the installation process is not damaged.
How can the protective film on the outer layer of the stainless steel thermos cup be removed?
3. Use acetone. Method ibid. Less and thoroughly, and best of all, it removes the residual gum quickly, easily, and more efficiently than the essence. All two of these are solvents and are the best in all methods.4, with banana water. Is used to remove paint an industrial agent, it is very easy to buy (sell paint there is a place to sell). The method is the same as alcohol acetone. With a hot towel in the scraping blade and eraser very clean home. Fengyoujing. It's a good thing, and it can easily solve your problem.
The site is now waiting for acceptance, but the door on the layer of protective film to tear up a lot of trouble, one day only to tear two or three, now with a hair dryer blowing while tearing effect is not significant, this is the door looks like plastic doors, the speed for master pointing.
Methods to remove the protective film on the door:The best way is a decoration immediately tear off.
Don't do that because the film can keep your refrigerator well sealed.
You can wipe it off using paper with some alcohol (Industrial alcohol is better while medical alcohol is also acceptable.). Then scratch it. The film will be cleaned up. Besides, you can use nail polish remover. The way of use is the same as that of alcohol and acetone. The effect is quite good. The quality of the polish remover can be either good or ordinary as long as it can remove the nail polish.
Cell phone protective film on the small label to tear off the top, as well as how to remove plastic glue?
Don't eraser, this will make the screen of mobile phone very wear off. You go to buy a mobile cleaner, and then quickly wipe with the eye wipe gently wipe it
Try to heat the film with electric hair drier!
You needn't do that. When the touchpad is coated, the sensitivity is weakened and the feel is affected. You know that touchpad is made to touch. . . If it's necessary, the manufacturer would have done it for you.