Stainless Steel Blender

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What kind of chopping machine is good for household?
Look at the blade of the blenderLook at the mixer blade, is an important small details of the selection of mixer, mixer grinding effect is good, all on the blade. Therefore, the choice of blade, it is recommended to choose 4 or more than 5 blades of the blender, so that the intensity of mixing, and the effect of grinding will be better.
Without a blender, how does the blender break the food?
First with blisters a few hours --- looking for a clean cloth with a blunt object hitting.
Urgent! Online, etc.! How do you break the food in the blender?
It is recommended to large hospital rehabilitation department or the Department of nutrition consultation, they will have a set of methods. Like a child!
What's the difference between a cooking machine and a blender?
Cooking machine: good performance, can be processed food. For example, sliced, shredded, chopped (not mashed), crushed and stirred, but because there is no filter screen, it can not be used to filter residue of fruit juice.
The food mixer has been switched on for a long time. The motor is hot and smoke. Why is that?
The power of the mixer is too small and the load is too large.If the mixer is purchased by the family, the power is relatively small, because the designer out of the product positioning is different, but also in order to save costs and increase profits and design low power products. In power, only to meet the needs of family use, there is a strong restriction. If it should be used in commercial services, it will show its disadvantages. Like the boot will smoke for a long time, and even burn the motor.
The multi-function food mixer is broken. Can it be repaired?
The repair can be repaired. Just look at the value of the repair. Find a professional to ask first!
Can you beat cream with a hand whisk? Can I use the food mixer instead of the egg beater? What should I pay attention to?
Yes, of course, but the mixer doesn't help the cream forming. It's softer.
What's the difference between a juicer, a blender and a conditioning machine? What kind of good buys?
Single function Juicer (also known as juice machine) function analysis: make pure fruit juice. After starting the machine, the motor drives the knife net to rotate at high speed. The fruit and vegetables to the knife net from the feeding port, the knife will cut broken net spiked vegetable, the centrifugal force generated in the high-speed operation of the knife net under the action of Zhafei fruit knife into slag and juice boxes, piercing knife net inflow juice cup.Advantages: in the electric food processing machinery, only this kind of machine can produce pure juice. To drink pure fruit juice friends must look for the purchase.Disadvantages: single function, except for pure fruit juice, other basic can not do.Depth analysis: according to the method of slag storage, juicer has built-in fruit residue box and separate type of fruit residue box two. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and convenient cleaning, and the advantages of the separating fruit dreg box are that the house is suitable for a large number of fruit juice families. Thus, it is convenient to pour the pomace at any time during the process of making, without opening the juicer.According to gear settings, there are two kinds of press gear, no gear and multi gear. The no position Juicer has only two switching states: open and stop, with the advantage of simple operation, especially for old people, children and people who don't like complicated operations. The juicer gear generally have low speed and high speed, move the third. Multi position juicer is suitable for people with high flexibility.