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What role does warehousing play in logistics?
Warehousing is, first and foremost, a logistics activity, or logistics activity is the essential attribute of warehousing. Warehousing is not a production, not a transaction, but one of the logistics activities for production and transaction services. This shows that warehousing is only one of the logistics activities, logistics and other activities, warehousing should be integrated into the entire logistics system, should be associated with other logistics activities, and coordination. This is a significant difference from the past "warehouse management".
The advantages and disadvantages of logistics line type I U type L
I logistics center has a separate entry and exit goods, which are distributed in the logistics center on both sides, straight to the point (Figure 1). Due to the I logistics center operation flow is linear, the operation of parallel lines, so whether people or logistics, collision mutually cross points is relatively minimal, can reduce the possibility of operators and logistics handling car collision.The biggest problem existing in I logistics center is the entry and exit goods Taiwan far apart, the overall increase in cargo transportation routes, reducing efficiency, but the linear process is relatively simple, relatively easy to adapt to the operator, can make up for deficiencies in this area. In addition, as the exit and arrival platform is located on both sides of the logistics center, at least two teams of security teams are responsible for the supervision of the two goods stations, increasing personnel input and operating costs.
What are the key functions of warehouse management logistics informatization construction?
In the warehouse management system, customer first is the initial inventory management (initial information collection), when the inventory is automatically increased after receipt when purchasing, sales, inventory system automatically reduced, and parity did not affect changes in the allocation of inventory, so inventory only through the inbound or outbound change or not change and, the administrator can query specific types of inventory. --- warehouse management, EBIG logistics, warehousing management system (WMS)
What is lean storage?
The reasonable optimization of warehouse management can not only improve the delivery rate of products, but also ensure the efficiency of warehouse utilization. So what is the specific way? We need to make use of the convenience brought by the information age to improve the efficiency of warehouse management, and make the lean production management process more standardized and intelligent. Here comes a simple analysis of warehouse management skills.
Storage facilities and equipment is not perfect, what?
Warehouse management, sales, billing settlement, distribution and transportation, information inquiries, customer management, cargo tracking inquiries and other functions, to provide customers with more convenient, reliable and efficient logistics services.
What are the categories of logistics?
The main focus of traditional logistics is warehousing and inventory management and delivery, and sometimes the main focus is on warehousing and transportation to make up for differences in time and space. Integrated logistics not only provide transportation services, including many coordination of the entire supply chain management, such as management of transportation, warehousing department and some other distributors, including order processing, procurement etc.. Because much effort is put on supply chain management, more responsibility and more complex management, which is different from traditional logistics.
The differences and advantages between warehouse logistics and ocean shipping logistics
To reduce reliance on artificial demand, especially the special storage environment to reduce the cost of human resources due to use of automation technology, automated warehouse can adapt to the needs of the dark, toxic, low temperature and other special occasions.
What is the storage fee?
Warehousing cost is the material supply and marketing enterprises in the purchase of goods, acceptance, warehousing, storage of materials in the process of payment of all costs. Warehousing costs paid to the storage warehouse storage and transportation, as well as the subsidiary enterprise in the warehouse transfer handling, inspection, repair, maintenance, selecting and sorting, packaging, inventory loss, and wages, workers from the welfare expenses and other expenses.