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Is there a brand logo on the back of the tiles
The general manufacturers have, but to see if you can not know, before the ceramic are produced in Foshan, and now there are many manufacturers in Qingyuan Jiangxi, tile brand is too much, I do tiles Sales are also do not know a lot, huh, huh, hoping to help you, please please adopt!
I am remodeling a small bathroom only 39sq ft. I had someone come out and give me an estimate, he brought a sample of a job he did and tried to sell me on that design, which will NOT complement my existing fixtures, since my existing fixtures are fairly new, I decided to reuse those to save me money. Anyways, this sample he brought me used 16in tiles, since my bathroom is so small, I think huge tile will make it seem even smaller and claustrophobic, I was thinking 1in-4in tiles, but this guy insists that large tile will make the small bathroom seem larger, is there any truth to this? Also, what is a good price to pay, I want the tub replaced, the tile around the tub, replace the small window, flip the sink and toilet so that the sink sits where the toilet is at and the toilet where the sink is, maybe re-tile the floor. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
I would say the 4 inch or smaller would look good---he is trying to sell you on the other tile because he has some leftover and will make more $ on it. Go to a Lowes or box store and get some samples(you have to pay for them) lay them on the floor and see what you like best. Tell him you will buy the material and he can install it. Moving the sink and toilet will be work, sounds like a week job with the tile and grout. maybe $2000 with the tile and labor.
For example, in the store will see the cloud of stone bricks, microcrystalline stone bricks and other labels, how is this classification of it? What are the different types of their performance? Humbly ask for advice, thank you!
According to the material sub-ceramic brick, stoneware brick, porcelain tile. Surface treatment sub-glazed tiles, polished tiles, throw glazed tiles, semi-glazed tiles, antique tiles, seepage tiles.
I have some extra granite tiles, and want to get them trimmed to the dimensions I want. I lack a wet saw, and don‘t want to buy one, so is there somewhere I can go to get it done?
I'm pretty sure that a hardware store will do that for you like Lowe's or Home Depot. You would just need to pay for a cutting charge per piece.
How to effectively remove the glue marks on the tiles?
But depending on your degree of sticky, may be different time. If the conditional alcohol + eraser effect is very good .2, you can take a piece of vinegar covered with dry cloth, to cover the entire double-sided adhesive marks, until the double-sided adhesive stick After the stain is completely wet, you can use the ruler easily removed. 3, you can also use the heating method to double-sided adhesive glue softening: blowing with a hair dryer to soften the glue, when the double-sided adhesive adhesion becomes weak, you can easily remove. If there is a little traces, with the removal of nail polish to light water to wipe.
We are wanting to get rid of old wood floors. We are debating tile vs. concrete finished floors. Pro/cons? What about cost difference.
Tile can cost from about $1 and sqaure foot plus, thinset and grout plus the cost to install it. If you do it yourself it's free of course if you hire someone then it can cost from about $2 a square foot on up. so, it depends on how manyh sqare feet you have. Concrete flooring looks okay. It has an industrial look. It cracks very often and costs around $3 a square foot according to a friend of mines estimate. I say go with tile. It's a lot easier to clean and more durable and lasts a lot longer.
I need tile removed from my shower
Start with a key hole saw, and saw all around the out side of the tile, cutting through the dry wall.After all the plumbing covers are removed, you can then start to use a pry bar and work the tile loose from the studs. This will work for tile over dry wall, over a backer board or even a mud job.. Cover the tub well, wear a dust mask and cover all areas for dust protection. Open a window if possible and set a fan there blowing dust out. Use hammer as little as possible to prevent razor sharp chips from flying and wear all safety gear, including long sleeve shirts, eye and ear protection. And most of all have the elbow grease ready. Any questions you can e mail me through my avatar and check my qualifications there. GL
Which of the major markets in Hangzhou to sell tiles?
Wenzhou village that market seems to call the East China Ceramic market, in the ancient pier Road