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Yes, FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) roofing panels can be installed in coastal areas with high salt exposure. FRP panels are known for their resistance to corrosion and can withstand the corrosive effects of salt air and water. However, it is still recommended to choose FRP panels with a high-quality gel coat finish and proper protective coatings to enhance their durability and longevity in such environments. Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent the buildup of salt and extend the lifespan of the FRP roofing panels.

Yes, FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) roofing panels are generally resistant to cracking caused by building movement. The flexibility and strength of FRP materials allow them to withstand minor shifts or vibrations without cracking. However, it is important to ensure proper installation and maintenance to maximize their resistance to cracking.

Yes, FRP roofing panels can be used for both new construction and renovation projects. The versatility of FRP panels allows them to be installed on various types of roofs, making them suitable for both new buildings and the refurbishment of existing structures.

We are a FRP Roofing Panel supplier serving the Andorra, mainly engaged in the sale, quotation, and technical support services of various FRP Roofing Panel products in the Andorra region. We are a subsidiary platform of the Fortune Global 500 company CNBM, able to provide you with one-stop FRP Roofing Panel procurement services in the Andorra. Not only do we have a wide range of FRP Roofing Panel products, but after years of market development in the Andorra, we can also provide valuable experience for your projects.