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A roller contributes to road compaction by applying pressure and weight evenly across the surface of the road, which helps to compress and flatten the materials, ensuring proper compaction and stability of the road.

A bitumen sprayer works by heating bitumen to its melting point and then spraying it onto a surface using a high-pressure spray nozzle. The sprayer is mounted on a truck or a trailer, and it is used for the even distribution of bitumen on roads, parking lots, or other surfaces.

A road reclaimer is a heavy machinery equipment used in road rehabilitation. It works by grinding up the existing pavement and mixing it with new materials to create a new road surface. The reclaimer's rotating drum with teeth grinds the old pavement, while a conveyor system collects the material and deposits it into a mixing chamber. In the mixing chamber, additional materials like cement or asphalt emulsion can be added to enhance the strength and durability of the new road. The mixed material is then spread and compacted to create a smooth and solid road surface. Overall, a road reclaimer efficiently recycles and reuses existing materials, reducing the need for new resources in road rehabilitation projects.

Road building machinery is designed to handle different road materials by utilizing various mechanisms and technologies. For instance, graders and bulldozers are used to clear and level the ground before laying the road surface. Excavators and loaders are employed to remove existing road materials and transport new ones. Pavers are used to lay and compact asphalt or concrete, while compactors ensure proper compaction and smoothness of the road surface. Additionally, specialized machinery like chip spreaders or soil stabilizers are used for specific road materials such as gravel or soil stabilization. Overall, road building machinery is versatile and adaptable, enabling efficient handling of different road materials to ensure the construction of safe and durable roads.

There are several types of road safety equipment used in construction sites, including traffic cones, barricades, signs, reflective vests, warning lights, and speed bumps. These tools help to ensure the safety of both construction workers and passing vehicles by providing clear visibility and guidance, and by effectively managing traffic flow.

We are a Road Building Machinery supplier serving the Niger, mainly engaged in the sale, quotation, and technical support services of various Road Building Machinery products in the Niger region. We are a subsidiary platform of the Fortune Global 500 company CNBM, able to provide you with one-stop Road Building Machinery procurement services in the Niger. Not only do we have a wide range of Road Building Machinery products, but after years of market development in the Niger, we can also provide valuable experience for your projects.