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it sets fast, is there any gun, aparatus or equipment to easly apply epoxy tile grout.
epoxy? real tile grout is put on with a spong, but I guess they make it out of any thing these days. If it comes in a tube then put masking tape on both sides of the gap fill it in, it sounds like a messy job to try fill with epoxy cause that stuff is sticky,maybe keeping ur finger wet will help smooth it over. good luck
does any one know where to find any harvest gold bathroom tiles?? it was a color that was big in the 70‘s but it is almost impossible to find it now in stores..does anyone know of any stores or webites that sell them please let me know i need them for replacements
Harvest Gold Bathroom
I bought a co-op that is 80 years old and the bathroom is all original. I like the antique look of it but the tile and in the tub is grungy and has stains. I have tried Pine Sol and Comet but they haven‘t helped much. Does anyone have any advice that doesn‘t involve renting power tools and grinding the floors up?HELP.
HAVE YOU tried GOING to a tile store and buying a Tile cleaning spray? It works really s Well try GETTING Tile and grout cleaner the one for really dirty tiles THEY HAVE like 3 kinds the first 2 are NOT VERY GOOD on really bad floors but that 3 kind is reall GOOD and get a hand brush and go at it ALSO try awlsome its a REAL good cleaner its manly at the 99? store. .
We are thinking about adding small mosaic or stone tiles on our kitchen backsplash. We recently went to a short class at Home Depot on tiling. The guy there reccommended installing a backerboard on drywall first. Is this difficult for a first-time DIYer? Several of the tutorials I‘ve found online install directly onto the drywall. Any recommendations? What are the consequences for installing directly onto the drywall? Thanks in advance.
There okorder /... Hope this helped! Enjoy your new kitchen!
The logistics of maintaining my marble tile should be an important consideration when choosing what kind of tile I wish to install. Acidic cleaners can etch the tile, which will then need to be repaired, so watch out for them.How can I Maintain my tile and keep it clean with the proper solutions once it is installed?
There are belowing guidances need to be taken into consideration while maintaining marble tiles: 1Use a dampened sponge mop without cleaner to clean the tile on a daily basis. 2On a weekly basis, use a different sponge mop with a marble cleaner to mop the tile. 3On a quarterly basis, apply a marble sealer made of polymer resin. 4Use painter's tape to tape around the edges of the tile. 5Mop the tile with a dampened sponge mop to remove any dust or debris. 6Following the manufacturer's directions, pour a small amount of a polymer resin into a disposable cup. Pour the polymer resin over the tile, using the paint spreader to push it back into an even layer. 7Allow the polymer resin sealer to dry according the manufacturer's directions.
I want to buy lenulim tiles for bathroom. how can I measure how many do I need? and should I start putting in from the center? is there a link to watch? thanks.
If you are using large 1ft square tiles, and your friend did a bad job on the the mosaic tiles I wouldn't suggest doing it. The weight of the tiles may loosen the the smaller tiles causing the larger tiles to fall. This could be dangerous in a shower or bathtub area. The tiles may shatter leaving sharp little shards of tile everywhere, including in the flesh of anyone nearby. I was going to put 16 x 16 tiles in my shower area, and a contractor said I better be sure the wall above the shower is secure because if one came loose and hit me in the head it would not be good. I went with little 1 x 1 tiles on the ceiling with larger tiles on the wall. Whatever you put up is only going to be as secure as what's behind it. Just my opinion, but for safeties sake, I would remove the old tile and start over. Remember, there is never enough time or money to do it right the first time, but there is ALWAYS enough time and money to do it over!!!
Do I meet the edge of tiles with the edge of the actual OPENING/HOLE of an electrical outlet or the edge of the electrical outlet PLATE COVER?
To the edge of the box. You will need to bring the outlet out (by loosening the screws) a little bit, so you can get the plate back on.
hi friends.. we r constructing a new house.. many people say us lay tiles for floorins and many say to use marbles or granite? confused!!!!.. wat to do?quite big house situated quite beneath the hills.
Tile is much better suited for floors. It is harder and less likely to stain or scratch. Granite is the next best choice because it is harder than marble and less porous and likely to stain. Marble is the softer and most likely to stain. The first floor of our current house is all ceramic tile.