Electric Hot Water Bottle Argos

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Electric hot water bag filled with hot new, heavy smell! How to do ah
The new general has a plastic taste, a heating will be, if there is no other flavor should be normal
Just bought an electric hot water bag is Water Leakage, did not dare to use ah
Do not secretly sew. The utility model even if the new is very dangerous. There have been multiple reports of electrothermal burst injuring others things. You do not use electric hot water bag, to the safe use of the hand warmer. Hand warmer than the electric hot water bag about your 5-8 yuan.
Electrothermal electric plug after heating, how to do?
If the power line is not broken. There is the temperature control switch is broken. If there is no fault repair.
Menstrual period with hot water bag abdomen is good
Hello, I do not know your situation is a primary dysmenorrhea, or secondary dysmenorrhea. The former refers to the reproductive organs without organic lesions of dysmenorrhea, the latter for reproductive organs have organic lesions, such as endometriosis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, blood flow and tumor. Suggest that you go to a regular hospital for examination, in addition to strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness. Pay attention to menstrual health, avoid mental stimulation and overwork, pay attention to warm premenstrual and menstrual cycle, you can also apply a hot water bottle during menstruation alvine, foot bath with hot water, we must pay attention to the body warm, Hot Milk every night before going to bed drink a cup with a spoonful of honey, can alleviate or even eliminate the pain of dysmenorrhea.
What is the reason that the hot water bag will float in the cold water basin
Empty hot water bags do not release water will float in the cold water basin - plastic (small proportion, small density) than water2 hot water is lighter than cold waterBased on the above two points no matter whether there is no hot water bags in the air will go up
Why is there a very unpleasant smell on the hot water bag?
The smell of rubber is not toxic, but it will feel uncomfortable
I bought a hot water bag, but it is flat, to blow in the inside, and then the charger, how to make it warm
First step. Find the water inlet and water injector. Second step. To the hot water bag. Third step. Charge heating. And then it gets warm! Hope adoption!
After the hot water bag drain wash, slow heating, salt, then add how much?
Hot water bag heating time is too slow (5~12 minutes is normal);Solution: remove the plug, water funnel top baffle gagged inside the hot water bag inside to add a little salt. Salt can be melted in water, and then into the funnel, funnel, into the hot water bag, hot water bag internal salt concentration increase, will shorten the heating time.(note that a little salt can be used when the hot water bag cools)