Tartan Hot Water Bottle Cover

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Do not open the hot water bag plug
With the old vice, wow... It can help you turn the plug...
What are the ordinary hot water bags made of? Why does it smell hot?
If the smell is very strong and has a pungent feeling, it is not normal, should be promptly returned to the seller.
I always feel pain, so every day with a hot water bag on the back on, but not what relief,
A hot water bag without what side effects, but the pain for many reasons, I do not know is not cold or overwork, such as lumbar muscle strain, fibrositis, and contusion, sprain caused by local damage, bleeding, edema, adhesion and muscle spasms.
Hot water bag printed on the newspaper how to clear the word?
I don't know, I want you to wash, if the hot water bag you can you can use the brush to brush - or you moistened with water in it, scrub with things clear, may clean E Pecena
Do you often use hot water bags?
The only thing to note is the safety problem, the charging time is not too long, the other is not bad.
How to choose the different electrode type electric heating wire type electric heating bag
1, the electrode type electric hot water heater small bag has two electrodes inserted in the liquid, carefully touch the cylinder, there are two cut hard feeling.A much larger volume 2, heater heating wire type electric heating water bag, can touch the plastic coil device with a diameter of seven or eight cm.At the time of purchase, to choose a brand identity certificate, complete test report, electric hot water bag.
Menstrual period can be deposited with hot water bag waist
Yes ah, the menstrual period is not sore muscle soreness
How many degrees of hot water can be loaded in a hot water bag? Can not be installed 100 degrees of hot water, not plugged in, is the kind of rubber filled with water!
The water temperature should not be filled with hot water bag is too high, generally 80 to 90 degrees Celsius, otherwise you will feel the smell, but also can prevent the premature aging of rubber, it is best not to put freshly boiled water (it is to install the equipment very little).